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An Inspiring Conversation With: Archie Walker

For the second installment of ‘An Inspiring Conversation With:’ I had a catchup with an old friend, the talented sailor and adventurer Archie Walker.

I actually grew up with Archie (he was with me when I body-boarded/surfed for the first time when I was little) and have been lucky enough to see what a wonderful human he has become. From refitting old sail boats to sailing around the world, I am really inspired by all the adventures and experiences Archie has had - it actually makes me quite emotional. For someone who has only been on this planet eighteen years, I think Archie has some of the most interesting stories and most sage advice out there.

If you are a fellow ‘water-person’ or aspiring sailor, you will love this interview! Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Archie managed to do a fair bit of travelling in the last year, and I’m very jealous about it so have been living vicariously through his social media for the last few months. Archie is currently in Portencross, Scotland, living his best life.

And just before you sit back and enjoy this read, This interview actually happened in December 2020, so Archie has not broken any UK or international travel restrictions, don’t worry!

What are you up to at the moment? Where are you?

I am currently in week 8 of a 10 week period of being first mate aboard the sailing yacht Global Surveyor. I’m writing this whilst anchored of a small island called Lobos next to Fuerteventura. I started my journey in Scotland and have sailed around 3000 miles in the past 8 weeks.

How did you start sailing?

I stared sailing when my mum took me for afternoon of dinghy sailing of the west coast of Scotland and I have been hooked ever since. I have sailed on loads of different types of boats, from dinghy’s to tall ships. The adventure and unknown is what keeps bringing me back every time.

Explain the Coila Project?

Coila is a small old sail boat I bought and have been refitting over “lockdown”. The Coila Project is my idea to inspire adventure at a time where people may feel like it is impossible. The adventurer Don McIntyre says “adventure is simply doing something with a unknown outcome or situation”, and I think this perfectly describes what I am  doing and what I want to encourage people to do.

When the boat is ready I plan to take her on adventures in and around the west coast of Scotland. Sailing, camping, fishing, hiking and  just all around fun.

 What are your plans for next year?

Next year I plan to continue sailing and having fun but with goal to join the Royal Navy at the end of it. Before that though I am aiming to complete: the West Highland Way, Wainrights Coast to Coast, loads of multiple day sailing trips in Scotland with Coila, become a qualified yachtmaster ocean and become a qualified sailing instructor. I also have a goal to spend 2 weeks living only of food and water that I have caught or grown, yes bit random but I love the satisfaction of being self sustained.

What advice would you give to your past self?

"The Problem Is Not The Problem. The Problem Is Your Attitude About The Problem."  Captain Jack Sparrow (my role model).

If you could be doing anything right now, what would it be and why?

I would absolutely love to be learning how to kitesurf. I have tried it before and got up on the board once after 6 hours of wipe-outs. Having said that, I honestly wouldn’t change anything at the moment, I am living the dream. Even though 2020 has been a bit rubbish for some people, I have loved every second of it so far. I would like to have a few more solid plans about future plans and adventures but I suppose that’s all part of it.

 Are you a ‘water-person’?

Yes, 100%. I strongly believe that the ocean is one of the true adventures and challenges on the planet. No matter how much you prepare and practice for your voyage the water can always decide not to let you go. You have no control, you are truly at the mercy of mother nature. I think the survival aspects of traveling on the water is what brings me back to it. Quite simply, if you mess up you will die. I’m not suicidal or anything don’t worry, but it’s truly a feeling like no other when your life is in the hands of both mother nature and yourself.

 Advice for any other aspiring sailors?

Once you have learned the basics of sailing its all the same from there just with a few more details. These are the basic rules for all sailors. A flappy sail is a unhappy sail, if you can’t tie knots tie lots, if your sinking cover your boat name and hoist a French flag.  What separates the amazing from the good sailors is: staying calm under pressure, never be lazy, make lots of tea and coffee, ability to do crazy/ slightly stupid things after little or no sleep.  Also it is very possible to live of tea and biscuits for a week, don’t let anyone tell you anything else.

What inspires you?

People who “do what they can’t”.  People who stop at nothing to make a positive impact on other peoples lives. And the thoughts of what is possible in the coming years. 100 years a ago horse and carriage was the best transport and travelling around the world was only a distant dream. Imagine what life is going to be like in even just 50 years. Our boundaries of what’s possible would have changed , we will have better cleaner technology, medicines will be able to do amazing things and we will learn things we didn’t know where possible. Or Yellowstone will erupt and we will all die within weeks, but hey ho lets live everyday whilst it last.

Lightning round:

Tea or coffee?

Tea. PG tips. Just enough milk to change the colour. 1 sugar, if someone else is making it I won’t have the sugar as its just an extra hassle.

Cream before the jam or after on a scone?


Favourite song at the moment?

Can’t decide between:

‘Pencil full of lead’- Paolo Nutini

‘Soul man’- Sam and Dave

Favourite place in the world?

Portencross. Small village on west coast of Scotland, 50 mins west of Glasgow.

Finish the following statement… I will next achieve happiness by…..?

I will next achieve happiness by working harder and waking up earlier.

This may sound a bit odd, but I kind of feel like Archie is the male version of me, except for the fact that he drinks normal tea!

I hope you have enjoyed reading this conversation and that you have learned something about sailing or feel inspired to adventure.

Go give the Coila Project a follow on Instagram so you can keep up with Archie’s progress on the boat. Hopefully, we’ll see her out sailing around Britih waters soon! I’ve actually decided that I really want to do trip up to Scotland to visit Archie and help with he Coila in the spring (not that I’ve told him about it yet, oops).

Fingers crossed that UK lockdown will be ending soon! I’m seriouly getting cabin fever and being stuck in Surrey whilst the coast experience some crazy swells was incredibly painful!

Stay safe and well.

Florence x