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5 Things I Have Learned In 2020

So, 2020 was an interesting year.

It has been awful for many but for others, including myself, 2020 has been an opportunity to take a moment and to heal. I thought I would write about some of the things I have learned from the past year.

  • To be kinder to myself. It literally taken me writing down the kind things I do for myself to start being nicer to myself both consciously and subconsciously. I’m still working on this

  • That it's ok to feel crap. It's only natural to feel awful sometimes and if you are ill/have mental health problems just ride the feelings and emotions out. You don't always run at 100%, don't beat yourself up about it!

  • You are enough. I have learned and tell myself this daily, I’m just working on making myself believe it.

  • To be more mindful. My headspace practice has been a bit spotty this year but being mindful isn't just about clearing your mind, it's more the act of being present. I've practiced this, for example, by trying to eat without watching tv or reading etc. so I am focused on the food and the five senses I'm experiencing whilst eating. It's actually a really calming practice - I definitely recommend for people with busy minds. Don't get caught up in your thoughts, acknowledged them and then let them pass.

  • Music is a savior. Music has saved me so many times this last year. Whether I've been on the brink of an anxiety attack or whether I’ve been feeling really low, I have always been able to rely on music as a way to distract me or focus on specific, positive thoughts. And just in my everyday life, I always have Spotify on play - it gets me through the day. I apologize to my family for having to speak to me through earphone so often, (you will find me listening to music all day long).

And, obviously, I have learned loads about surfing in 2020. In particular, my technique has improved massively. I continue to feel greatly excepted by the amazing surfing community in the UK and in 2021 want to continue to promote this wonderful sport.

I hope that everyone has had the best possible New Years Day and that you are happy, if not maybe listen to some music or try some mindfulness meditation.

The year ahead of us promises many new and exciting possibilities, I hope you enjoy it and live your best life.

Florence x